Questions about the nature of the unseen and the unknown - the what, why, and how - inspire my work lately. The perception of those intangible things and the infinite perspectives that create an even bigger infinite number of realities, through the eyes of all, mesmerize me and my ever-expanding consciousness. The answers remain elusive, and maybe always will, but through my work, I create an intangible response of energy - frequency - that is translated through a narrow perception of the recipient.

Art that speaks to you, a real piece of art, is a window into the transcendent, a window to god, the source, and the universe. We, humans, are finite and bounded by our lack of knowing, but once we make a connection with the universe we expand into the infinity we are born from.   

Dear one, 

It is my hope that I make you feel something and evoke a deep desire for an inner journey through the mountains and valleys of your inner cosmos. Only the brave set out on this deeply rewarding, yet at times difficult journey of standing eye to eye with your inner world.

Your soul hears the call and guides you on a path before you are fully aware of your journey. I believe the universe places tools on your path to help you evoke an inner aspect of your soul to reconnect you with the infinite potential of the universe. 

So, here you are, face-to-face with one of my creations. Art calls on you, it pulls you in. Your soul pulls into your field that which resonates at a level the ego might not yet understand. My wish for you is to listen to the call. Be brave enough to take a leap into the unknown because that is the only place that carries magic. 

My art is created as a meditation tool that is meant to bring you joy and love. While also evoking a deep healing that sets you out on an inner journey of self-discovery and deep, deep love.