custom art

Together we will co-create a canvas full of healing and love. A beautiful reflection of you;

the inner you.

Your soul

Your purpose


“ [art ] it’s a process of translating the intangible and elusive into a physical form. Usually, it’s not the finished canvas that tells me the story of the client but the process of creating it.
It’s an intimate exchange of energy.
Some pieces flow through me with easy, love, and grace others are slow, emotional and cleansing.
It’s a healing process that releases and translates energies into a physical form. A form that unravels it self with time.”

I will ask you for special moments that made your heart sing, anything and everything that puts a smile on your face; your favorite song, flower, book, quote, color etc. This way I can create a piece that will make you smile and feel love(d).

If you feel called, I can select a healing crystal to support you on your journey. The crystal is revealed through the painting process as I connect with you and your beautiful world.

To start this process, please fill out the form and I will contact you with more information.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

*prices begin at €2222

if you have a lower budget, but would like to co-create let me know your story and we will figure something out together:)