I was planted in the sea

**more images below

part of a series “children, that’s what we’ll always be.”

That’s a story for another time.

  • a series (of stories)

    from a childhood spent among the sea shells & the peaks of castles singing with church bells.

    A love letter to remembrance. To all the lives once lived and to the lives that might have been.  To the dreamers that wish upon the stars and to the dreams that are answered. A love letter to life, to hope, to loss, and to all potential “somedays”.

    Through a filter of nostalgia and rose colored glasses comes a representation of what life once was, what it might have been, and to what it, one day, could be.

    A dream

    a wish

    a feeling.

    A remembrance

    a reminiscence

    a day dream.

  • mix media on canvas with pressed flowers

    40 cm x 50 cm

  • This creation includes pressed flowers that have been handpicked and pressed by me. All flowers are gathered from the wild nature with gratitude and respect to gaia, always. Each flower carries an essence that works on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

    Himalayan Pink Salt is in my creation as a special piece of protection and love. It is known to have similar properties to a Rose Quartz. It helps one to experience self-love, but also to take action that will catalyze self-love. In many cultures salt is used for protection, cleansing, and removing negativity, while also helping release emotional attachments. It is known to have grounding and centering energies that are said to bring abundance and prosperity into a home.

  • “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” - Albert Einstein

    A creation calls on you because it holds a frequency that your soul resonates with. It can be a tool that will help you clear blocks which are keeping you from stepping into a higher frequency.

    To understand how this works one must understand the law of vibration and attraction.

    The law of vibration states that everything vibrates. Beings, objects and experiences all have a vibration, therefore, frequencies and wavelengths. We perceive our reality through our senses, which means that our senses read the vibrations that surround us. Similarly, our emotions read the vibration of what we are attracting. For example, when you feel love towards yourself, you will reflect that love into the universe and attract more love into your life (this can come in any form like love filled experiences or love-filled relationships etc.) And the law of vibration states that like attracts like. Therefore, you attract what you are.

    You are like a magnet; reflecting and attracting what you hold in your inner being. Once you become aware of this you can step into your empowered and fully embodied version and begin creating the life you want.

    My creations guide you to awaken a deeper connection with yourself, by awakening your full potential, your intuition, and your healing abilities. I connect to your higher self, to your inner being and let it guide me in the painting process. It is as if we are creating this painting together; hand in hand our souls dance merged together creating magic. Through this process I translate energies and transmit them into visible, tangible forms that encourage healing.

    By stepping out on this journey of deep inner healing you are stepping into your empowered self as you heal and raise your vibration..

    Dear one, if you choose to follow your intuition you will find a life of purpose, love, joy and peace. Sit back, trust the universe and let go.

    note: all creations are photographed in daylight but please keep in mind there might be slight color variations between photos and the original creation.

*please note that all creations are photographed in the daylight but please keep in mind there might be slight color variations between photos and the original creation.


first loves